New Location
There is no private parking or drop off points available to WICC - Please follow all normal road laws and do not park or stop directly outside The Centre.
Parking available - Closest first
On street parking is available for 2 hour stay (Mon - Sat 8am - 6pm) on Union Street by The Centre with only space for 6 cars. Outside these hours there are no time restrictions
On street parking is available for 1 hour stay (Mon - Sat 8am - 6pm) on Church Street with only space for 5 cars (Plus 3 Disabled badge holder spaces). Outside these hours there are no time restrictions
Church Street - Pay and Display Car Park with 2 hour limit
Sainsbury's Car Park - Maximum 2 hour stay: customers only
Lovemead Car Park - Pay and Display
Multi Story Car Park - Free
Parking Info
WICC rely heavily on the kind and generous donation from the community - Please help us to continue to achieve our goals for the community and donate via PayPal online or contact us to set up a direct debit or make a one off donation. Any amount, small or large will make a big difference to achieving and exceeding WICC's goals
Thank you!